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Jewish Teachings

It is every parent’s dream to raise a good citizen who makes the world a better place (known as a “mensch” in Yiddish). By uniting Jewish core values that are universal, curriculum designed by leading regional experts and research-based best teaching practices, we offer a holistic educational experience that provides the foundation for lifelong learning. 

Every day at The Cherry Hill School students gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills that they need to make good choices and help create positive change (known as repairing the world/Tikkun Olam).  


Our children eagerly anticipate holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover and understand how to meaningfully and joyfully participate in each holiday. We regularly celebrate holidays with parents and members of our larger community. We carefully select teachers who model and nurture Jewish values such as kindness, friendship, empathy, and respect for the environment and the rights of others.


Although Shabbat lasts from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, we celebrate Shabbat at Cherry Hill at 3:00 every Friday (right before pick up time).  Shabbat is a wonderful opportunity for children and families of all faiths to take some time out from their busy schedules to enjoy one another, so we hope to see you there. There are blessings over candles, grape juice and bread. Charity is collected and songs are sung. It’s a time to pause, to reflect, and to come together.